HIV Health Promotion Resources | Resources for people living with HIV | PEP | PrEP | HIV Health Promotion Posters
HIV Health Promotion Resources
What is health promotion?
Health promotion resources and activities are designed to help people to improve their health and well-being. HIV health promotion resources focus on improving outcomes in HIV transmission, prevention, care and management, stigma and discrimination.
HIV Factsheets
Our posters aim to get HIV and STI prevention key messages out to young people and others in a fresh, engaging way. Click here to view and download the posters.
Do you want to design HIV and or STI posters with your own personal touch for your community? Use our template to design your own health promotion posters to promote testing, access or a new program. The template allows you to include messages in local language, and you can use your own logos as well as your own images.
Just follow these steps and you can design your own poster – it’s easy:
- Visit our “Create Your Own Campaign” page
- Select the messages you want from our lists
- Add your own image and logo
- Follow the links to create downloadable files
- Presto, a poster you can print yourself!
Check out our new animations that explain the basics of HIV PrEP and STIs. Feel free to use these and share them with your network.
HIV Infographics
Download our infographics on HIV transmission, getting tested, prevention, and treatment. These can be used on social media, in community education, for posters, and in presentations.
Check out our new videos below – feel free to use these for community education and staff training, and to share them among your network.
This short video clip features Amanda Sibosado, telling the basics on Rapid Syphilis Testing.
Commissioned by the SHBBVP and the project was led by Hepatitis WA with guidance provided from Aboriginal community members and health service providers.
This short video clip features Crystal Love sharing some tips on HIV and how we can stay protected.
HIV Testing – Don’t be shame to get tested is a short video on HIV testing and why you don’t need to be shame.
Young Deadly Free
The Young Deadly Free website- is a website about Sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood borne viruses (BBVs) particularly targeted to young people in regional and remote communities. Young Deadly Free has resources for young people, clinicians and parents, Elders, teachers and other community leaders. Working with young people can help knockout STIs and BBVs.
The Condoman campaign was developed in the late eighties in recognition of the fact that the Grim Reaper HIV awareness campaign was doing nothing to promote sexual health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Condoman is now an iconic figure and his message “Don’t Be Shame Be Game” has reached generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Better to Know
Better to Know is a website for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women. It provides detailed information on STIs, HIV, testing and treatment – in two sections, Men’s Business and Women’s Business. The site is also a practical tool for health workers and counsellors in Aboriginal health services, sexual health centres and general practice to assist patients in partner notification.
The NAPWHA-auspiced Positive Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Network (PATSIN) is a national membership-based group for indigenous people living with HIV. It works within Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities and service providers to represent the interests of indigenous Australians. PATSIN exists to provide an outlet for exchanging experiences and knowledge about HIV, and to advocate for change at the community level.
Growing and Developing Healthy Relationships (GDHR) is a long-standing educational curriculum and teaching resource funded by the Western Australian Department of Health (WA Health). The website is designed to support teachers, school nurses and schools to provide positive and comprehensive sexual health and relationships education (SRE).
All Good
This website includes information, resources and service directories on STIs and BBVs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It includes a ‘find a service tab’ to find a local doctor, clinic or a testing centre that provides HIV testing. The website also includes links to local support services.
Us Mob and HIV
Us Mob and HIV is a booklet designed to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s understanding of HIV. The booklet provides introductory information about HIV, transmission and prevention, HIV testing, HIV treatments, health monitoring and care and support needs, as well as contact details for services.
2 Spirits
Established in 1996 as the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HIV/AIDS Project, the project was renamed 2 Spirits in 2009 – ‘2 Spirits’ referring to a person possessing both masculine and feminine spirits. The program promotes the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander gay men and sistergirl communities.
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is the national peak for the more than 150 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations across Australia. Read more about NACCHO’s role and work.
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) deliver education and health promotion campaigns as part of their preventative health programs, including on STI, HIV and hepatitis prevention. For information about health promotion programs and resources produced by Aboriginal controlled health services, contact your state/territory Peak Aboriginal Health Organisation.