Create your own campaign


English Translate to your own language

Select your template

Choose your messages in English below. At the next step, you can rewrite these messages in your preferred language.

Want to add an image of your own to the poster? Just click the browse/choose file button below.

You will need to use a high resolution image. Acceptable formats are:

  • JPEG, JPG, PNG - Max file size is 10MB.
  • Optimum dimensions are 450px X 450px at 300dpi.

Don’t want to add an image of your own? That’s OK – you’ll still have a great poster. Just go to next step.

If you would like to add a logo to the poste, click the browse/choose file button below.

You will need to use a high resolution image of the logo. And it’s best for the logo to have a transparent background. Acceptable formats are:

  • JPEG, JPG, PNG - Max file size is 10MB
  • Optimum Dimensions are 250px X 150px at 300dpi.

Don’t want to include your logo? That’s OK – just click ‘Next’ below.


Enter contact details

To finalise your poster, you’ll need to provide us with your contact details. This information won’t be shared with anyone – it’s just for our records.

If you have had your poster messages translated, we’ll check the poster for you. We’ll then email you so you can finalise your translated poster.