‘Us Mob and HIV’ is a booklet designed to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s understanding of HIV. The booklet provides introductory information about HIV, transmission and prevention, HIV testing, HIV treatments, health monitoring, care and support needs, as well as contact details for services. Download the booklet or contact your local AIDS Council for hard copies.

HIV CURE has been developed by the National Association of People With HIV Australia in association with the Doherty Institute, the Alfred Hospital and the Kirby Institute. The website is part of a partnership between community organisations and scientists to ensure that people living with HIV in Australia can be educated, engaged and gain access to the successes being made.


The Positive Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Network, (PATSIN) is made up entirely of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living with HIV. PATSIN provides culturally appropriate support to people with HIV in our community. PATSIN members network in their communities – talking about ways to promote safe sex, safe needle use, HIV testing and early treatment.


The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) produces a range of resources aimed to promote sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing in community. 


DOIN ‘IT’ RIGHT Is a sexual and reproductive health kit for the Aboriginal community produced by the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW (AH&MRC)

Living Well: Women with HIV

Living Well: Women with HIV is an online resource for women living with HIV. It provides clear information about disclosing HIV status, having sex, treatment, having children, keeping well and getting support.  

HIV Tests & Treatments website

The HIV Tests & Treatments website provides information for people living with HIV about HIV treatment medications – how they work, and how to deal with side-effects. It also describes some common tests used to monitor the health of people with HIV, and how these tests can be used to make decisions about starting or changing treatments. This website is for all people with HIV whether currently on treatment or not, and whether thinking about starting, delaying or changing treatment. It is for people recently diagnosed and for those who have known about their HIV positive status for some time.

Neville’s Story

Neville’s story” is one of a series of short films produced by Queensland Positive People featuring five people discussing HIV treatment and the ways that HIV treatment has changed over the years. This video features the late Neville Fazulla, a man of Arrernte and Afghani descent, who lived with HIV for over 20 years. Neville was a passionate advocate for people with HIV and for recognition of the need to educate Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities about HIV prevention and treatment.